Wednesday, 3 June 2009

A Credit Crunch-Free Day!

Today I meet with my business mentor. Roya a business advisor from North London Business has been guiding me these last few weeks as I prepare to step out into the world of self-employment. OK, taking the route of self-employment is nothing new for me, but I'm preparing for a longer journey to reach my destination. Of course it's a big step, but if I don't do it now then when? I certainly don't want to spend the next thirty years working for someone else, whilst at the same time waiting for a measly pension before my dying days.

And in any case, most people know that working for someone else doesn't make you rich. It's a well known fact.

And the credit crunch? You can't escape from it; from the pricey organic bag of carrots to the dreary tabloids. And of course, there are the negative people with whom I have distanced myself from. I can't take those worn-out and fatigued phrases about the credit crunch situation (CCS) which seems to get the blame for every wrong thing that a person does. I know for a fact, that I have made some wrong moves like a pawn on a chess board, including financially. Oh yes, some serious financial errors, but I take full responsibility. I can't blame the bank, the Local Authority or even the Government. I'm the one who took out credit when I did But hey, it's done, it's past and I'm dealing with the leftovers of my credit crunch meal.

So, today I meet with Roya and go through my Cash flow. Ugh!

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